How Does
Acupuncture Work?
With thousands of years development of the traditional Chinese Medicine,
acupuncture has been officially proven and accepted by World Health Organization
and most of countries in the world, however modern Western medicine cannot
completely explain how acupuncture works.
has identified the ability of acupuncture to modulate neuroendocrine functions
such as blood hormone levels, perhaps explaining some of this technique's
Traditional acupuncture is based on ancient Chinese theories of the flow of Qi
(energy) through Meridians or pathways that span the body. According to such
theory, acupuncture allows Qi to flow to areas where it is deficient and away
from areas where it is in Excess. In this way, acupuncture regulates and
restores the harmonious energetic balance of the body.
Are the needles clean?
Our practitioners are certified in the use of lean-needle technique in
acupuncture and we only use individually packaged disposable and sterilized
steel needles as per provincial regulations. There is no risk of transmitting a
communicable disease using such needles.
Does acupuncture hurt?
Although you may feel a sensation of heaviness,
perhaps a slight cramping or distention around the needle or traveling up or
down the affected Meridian (energy pathway). If you experience any discomfort,
it is usually mild and not considered painful.
Are there differences in
acupuncture style?
Acupuncture originated in China, but has spread to other parts of Asia, as well
as Europe and America. In different countries, different styles have evolved
depending on differences in philosophy and technique. Meridian practitioners
insist on classical Chinese acupuncture and we offer authentic acupuncture as
practiced in China within the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
How does one choose an acupuncturist?
You can ask where the acupuncturist was trained, how long he/she has been
practicing, and how much experience he/she has had in treating your disease.
You should
also make sure that the acupuncturist is licensed, and preferably accredited
with the Provincial Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental
How many treatment sessions do I need?
This depends on the nature and severity of your condition. You may need only a
single treatment for an acute condition or a series of six to twelve treatments
or more for a chronic problem.
conditions may require prolonged treatment over time. Your practitioner will
explain the nature of your problem as well as the possible duration of treatment
to you.
What can I expect after a treatment?
You may notice a spot of blood at one or more needle sites and/or a bruise could
develop, just like injection. These are not harmful, but please talk to your
acupuncturist if you are concerned. Also, dramatic results are unusual
after a single treatment.
patients will experience a gradual relief of their symptom or improvement of
well-being over the course of therapy (over days and weeks). In general,
improved outcome could be expected if herbs are used and the therapies adheres
to traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic principles and treatment
What are lamps and electronic gadgets I see during
acupuncture treatment?
An infrared lamp as well as low-voltage direct current stimulation via the
acupuncture needle is used to maintain stimulation on the acupoints. These
are now well-accepted techniques in bolstering the effectiveness of traditional